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Condiciones generales y política de privacidad

§ 1
  1. Las presentes Condiciones Generales son válidas y exclusivas para todos los servicios según constan en el contrato, inclusive pedidos adicionales, pedidos posteriores y servicios de asesoramiento.
  2. No se aceptarán condiciones generales por parte del cliente contrarias a las presentes.
§ 2
Notificación por escrito
  1. Toda modificación o alteración deberá ser notificada por escrito. Así mismo, esta condición es válida para la cláusula de la notificación por escrito. Notificaciones de carácter verbal no serán válidas.
§ 3
Extensión y realización del pedido
  1. Objeto del pedido es la realización de los servicios acordados en el contrato, no el éxito o determinados resultados. Posteriores modificaciones o alteraciones por orden del cliente se entenderán como una modificación o ampliación del pedido, y por ello serán cargados en la factura del cliente.
  2. Para el cumplimiento del contrato, el cliente acepta los procedimientos y/o métodos empleados por iGENEA SA como los prodedimientos y/o métodos correctos para el planteamiento del pedido, siempre y cuando no se haya llegado explícitamente y por escrito a otro tipo de acuerdo en la concesión del pedido.
  3. Una vez que el pedido sea concedido, el cliente tiene derecho a recibir el informe de la prueba por duplicado. Únicamente se mantiene el derecho a la interpretación de los resultados en el marco de las regulaciones convencionales.
§ 4
Plazo de entrega
  1. El plazo de entrega se inicia con la determinación definitiva del contenido del pedido. En caso de modificación o alteración del pedido se prolonga el plazo de entrega en proporción a la modificación o alteración del pedido.
  2. El plazo de entrega se prolongará de igual modo en caso de fuerza mayor, y en caso de surgir imprevistos, una vez cerrado el contrato, de los que iGENEA Ltd no se responsabiliza y que pueden influenciar la puntualidad de las entregas de los resultados. Esta condición es también válida para semejantes circunstancias que ocurran por alguna empresa contratada por iGENEA Ltd. iGENEA Ltd comunicará al cliente lo antes posible el comienzo y finalización de estos imprevistos.
§ 5
Obligaciones del cliente
  1. 1. El cliente tiene la obligación de hacer entrega a iGENEA SA, sin necesidad de notificación previa por parte de éste, de todos aquellos documentos importantes y necesarios para el cumplimiento del pedido.
§ 6
Toma de muestras
  1. La toma de muestras es única y exclusivamente la actividad del cliente. Si es necesario un trabajador de iGENEA SA asesorará al cliente sobre la realización y el uso del material a utilizar. A petición, iGENEA SA pone a disposición el material de uso contra reembolso. En caso de daños corporales o errores en los análisis, causados por tomas de muestras no llevadas a cabo debidamente, iGENEA Ltd no asume ningún tipo de responsabilidad.
§ 7
Elaboración del informe
  1. iGENEA Ltd tiene la obligación contractual de poner los resultados de su actividad por escrito, siendo única y exclusivamente decisiva la presentación por escrito de los resultados. Explicaciones e informaciones verbales por parte de trabajadores y ayudantes de iGENEA Ltd referentes a los pedidos no son en ningún caso definitivos.
§ 8
Transmisión y empleo de datos profesionales
  1. En caso de que el cliente quisiera transmitir datos profesionales (informes, observaciones, etc) de trabajadores o representantes de iGENEA Ltd a terceros, requiere la aprobación firmada por iGENEA Ltd, siempre y cuando no esté ya incluido en el pedido el consentimiento para la transmisión a terceros.
  2. El empleo de datos profesionales de trabajadores o representantes de iGENEA Ltd por parte del cliente para fines publicitarios es inadmisible.
§ 9
Derechos de propiedad intelectual
  1. En ejecución del presente contrato, todo el material, documentación, facturas y otros tipos de información que iGENEA Ltd pudiera entregar al cliente puede ser utilizado por el cliente única y exclusivamente para fines personales. El empleo de dicha información sin el consentimiento por escrito de iGENEA Ltd para otros fines está prohibido.
  2. Incorrecciones evidentes, tales como faltas ortográficas, errores de cálculo o fallos formales que contengan las informaciones profesionales (informes, observaciones, etc.) de iGENEA Ltd, iGENEA Ltd puede rectificarlos frente a terceros en todo momento. En este caso iGENEA Ltd se pondrá previamente en contacto con el cliente.
§ 10
Política de privacidad frente a terceros, Protección de datos de carácter personal
  1. De acuerdo con la ley, iGENEA Ltd se compromete a guardar silencio respecto a todos los datos facilitados a iGENEA Ltd en relación a su actividad para el cliente, siempre y cuando no ponga en peligro el bienestar general. En caso contrario, el cliente exime a la empresa de su secreto profesional.
  2. iGENEA Ltd cederá informes, observaciones por escrito, etc. sobre los resultados de su actividad única y exclusivamente a terceros con el consentimiento expreso del cliente notificado préviamente por escrito.
§ 11
  1. El cliente responderá de los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que iGENEA Ltd pueda sufrir como consecuencia de una concesión errónea o incompleta del pedido, así como una transmission errónea o incompleta de los datos y documentos. En lo restante responde el cliente según las condiciones legales.
  2. iGENEA Ltd responde por los daños y perjuicios ocasionados por sus departamentos y por sus empleados.
  3. iGENEA Ltd responde por la indemnización de daños previsibles, siempre y cuando no tenga lugar la violación de ninguna de las obligaciones fundamentales del contrato.
§ 12
  1. iGENEA Ltd se reserva el derecho de anular el contrato con efectos inmediatos por circunstancias relevantes.
  2. En caso de retraso por parte del cliente en el pago de una factura y de que haya vencido la prórroga legal del plazo determinado por iGENEA Ltd, iGENEA Ltd tiene derecho a finalizar de inmediato cualquier tipo de contrato con el cliente, siempre y cuando aún no se haya llevado a cabo. En caso contrario, el cliente presta seguridad para cualquier tipo de contrato respecto a las demandas de remuneración de iGENEA Ltd.
  3. En caso de que el cliente no cumpla con sus obligaciones conforme al § 5, iGENEA Ltd se reserva el derecho de finalizar el contrato pasado un plazo de 10 días. De esta manera le correspone a iGENEA Ltd la totalidad del importe deduciendo posibles gastos abonados. Esta condición es también válida en el caso de que iGENEA Ltd decida finalizar el contrato por circunstancias relevantes, de las que el cliente sea responsable. No afectará a cualquier tipo de reclamación por daños y perjuicios de iGENEA Ltd.
  4. En caso de que iGENEA Ltd decidiera finalizar el contrato por circunstancias relevantes, le corresponde a iGENEA Ltd derecho a un importe por los servicios ya prestados, a no ser que como consecuencia de la finalización del contrato los servicios prestados al cliente hasta el momento, siempre y cuando pueda probarse, no sean y no puedan ser en un futuro útiles.
  5. En el supuesto de que el cliente decidiera anular el contrato por circunstancias irrelevantes, le corresponde a iGENEA Ltd la totalidad del importe deduciendo posibles gastos ya abonados.
  6. En caso de que el cliente decidiera anular el contrato por circunstancias relevantes, que alude al comportamiento contrario a los términos del acuerdo, le corresponde a iGENEA Ltd derecho a un importe por los servicios ya prestados, a no ser que los servicios prestados al cliente hasta el momento, siempre y cuando pueda probarse, no sean y no puedan ser en un futuro útiles.
  7. Un acuerdo marco o un contrato de duración con un importe global y/o con condiciones especiales, siempre y cuando no se haya llegado a otro tipo de acuerdo, podrán ser rescindidos a finales de un mes de calendario solo tras el cumplimiento de un plazo de 3 meses. El derecho a la rescisión del contrato con efectos inmediatos no se verá afectado. iGENEA Ltd tiene derecho a exigir el reembolso de descuentos o rebajas concedidos a razón del tamaño del pedido y en el marco del contrato de duración.
§ 13
Condiciones de pago
  1. iGENEA Ltd tiene derecho al reembolso de los gastos, aparte de sus honorarios e impuestos. Tiene derecho a exigir un adelanto razonable de la remuneración y del reembolso de los gastos, y a dependizar la entrega de sus servicios según el cumplimiento de dichas exigencias.
  2. Modificaciones o alteraciones posteriores, así como documentos adicionales de los resultados se cargarán en la factura del cliente.
  3. Las facturas de iGENEA Ltd se pueden abonar inmediatamente después de su recibimiento, siempre y cuando no se haya acordado lo contrario por escrito.
  4. En caso de pagos atrasados, todas las cuentas pendientes de pago del cliente de iGENEA Ltd deberán liquidarse de manera inmediata, siempre independientemente del plazo de vencimiento de las letras de cambio.
  5. iGENEA Ltd se reserva el derecho de cargar en la factura antiguas deudas del cliente. En caso de que estas deudas hayan producido más costes e intereses, se realizará en primer lugar el pago de los costes, en segundo lugar el pago de los intereses y en último lugar el pago de la deuda.
  6. En caso de retraso en el pago por parte del cliente, el cliente pagará el 2% de intereses sobre el tipo de descuento anual, independientemente de la alegación de posteriores perjuicios, siempre y cuando iGENEA Ltd no demuestre otro tipo de interés más alto o el cliente no demuestre otro tipo de interés más bajo.
  7. El cliente tiene derecho a una compensación, siempre y cuando la demanda por parte del cliente tenga validez legal o sea aceptada.
§ 14
Prestación de garantía
  1. En caso de que los servicios de iGENEA Ltd sean deficientes, el cliente tiene derecho a la corrección dentro del plazo legal de garantía. En caso de incumplir con dicha corrección, el cliente tendrá derecho a reclamar una reducción del importe o la rescisión del contrato.
  2. En caso de que el cliente identifique algún tipo de deficiencia dentro del plazo legal de garantía, tiene dos semanas de plazo para transmitirlo por escrito a iGENEA Ltd.
  3. En caso de que desavenencias entre iGENEA Ltd y el cliente referentes a si realmente existe una deficiencia en alguno de los servicios de iGENEA Ltd, iGENEA Ltd tiene el derecho, según se acuerde con el cliente, de encomendar la comparación del procedimiento a un perito parcial con un control adicional. Si por medio de este perito se determina la deficiencia de los servicios en cuestión de iGENEA Ltd, iGENEA Ltd cargará con los gastos del procedimiento, en caso contrario será el cliente quien cargue con dichos gastos.
  4. En caso de que las deficiencias se deban a informaciones incorrectas del cliente (cf. § 5), la corrección de dichas deficiencias se cargarán en la factura del cliente.
§ 15
Entrega de documentos
  1. 1. Después del cumplimiento de las condiciones del pedido y a petición del cliente, iGENEA Ltd debe hacer entrega al cliente de todos los documentos que ha recibido con motivo de su actividad para el pedido del cliente. Sin embargo, esta estipulación no tiene ninguna validez para cualquier tipo de correspondencia entre iGENEA Ltd y el cliente, así como documentos originales o duplicados que el cliente ya posea. iGENEA Ltd se reserva el derecho de duplicar o fotocopiar aquellos documentos, que tengan que ser devueltos, para su propia conservación.
§ 16
Cláusulas finales
  1. Las presentes condiciones generales y contrataciones legales entre iGENEA Ltd y el cliente se interpretarán conforme a la legislación vigente en UK.
  2. El lugar de jurisdicción es London UK.
  3. Si un acuerdo en el marco de este contrato no sea válido legalmente, el contrato no pierde su validez.
  4. Si cualquier condición del presente documento no sea válida legalmente o pierda en un futuro su validez, total o parcialmente, las restantes condiciones conservarán su validez.
London, 01.12.2021

declaración de privacidad

This privacy statement applies to all business units of iGENEA Ltd.

Should there be any inconsistency between this data protection statement and any other applicable contract or the general terms and conditions of iGENEA Ltd, the provisions of this data protection statement will prevail.

Data protection is a matter of trust, and your trust is important to us. We respect your personality and privacy. We also want to make sure that your personal data are protected and processed in accordance with the law.

It is important to us that you agree to your personal data being processed. In this privacy statement we will provide you with comprehensive information about the data processing methods we use. Only you decide whether you wish your personal data to be processed.

This privacy statement covers both historical and future personal data. If you agree to your data being processed, we will process not only personal data collected by you in the future in accordance with this privacy statement, but also your personal data that we already have on file.

When we refer in this privacy statement to the processing of your personal data, we mean any form of handling of your personal data. This includes, for example:

  1. the collection
  2. storage
  3. management
  4. use
  5. transmission
  6. disclosure
  7. deletion
of your personal data.

We collect personal data so that we can offer our customers better services. We firmly believe that if our activities are geared to the wishes and needs of our customers that should make the tasks of daily life easier for you. Better services may include:
  1. Gearing the product assortment to customer requirements
  2. Personalisation of customer communication, so that you will find offers which match your wishes and receive less advertising overall
  3. Simplification of procedures such as purchases or bookings, so that you reach your goal more quickly

1. How do we protect your personal data?

We have technical and organisational security procedures to maintain the security of your personal data and to protect your session data and personal data against unauthorised or illegal processing and/or against unintentional loss, modification, disclosure or access. Nevertheless, you should always be aware that the transmission of data over the Internet and other electronic means entails certain security risks, and that we cannot give any guarantee for the security of data that are transmitted in this way.

2. How long do we keep data for?

We keep your personal data for as long as we consider necessary or reasonable to comply with the applicable laws, or for as long as this is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. We delete your personal data as soon as they are no longer required or after the end of the maximum retention period prescribed by law.

3. What rights do you have in respect to your personal data?

You have the right to assert your data protection rights at any time, and to obtain information about your stored personal data, to rectify, add to, transfer, object to the processing of your personal data, or demand the deletion of your personal data. You will find details of how to contact us in section 4 below. We reserve the right to correspond with you electronically in this connection (especially by e-mail).

4. How can you contact us?

If you would like to assert your rights in respect of your personal data, or if you have any questions or concerns relating to the processing of your personal data, you can contact us as follows: Contact
Representative in the EU: VGS Datenschutzpartner GmbH, Am Kaiserkai 69, 20457 Hamburg
We will make every effort to respond to your questions or concerns immediately after receipt.

5. Who is the owner of the data collected?

We are obliged by law to notify you of the name of the owner of the data collection which includes your personal data. The owner of the data collection is iGENEA Ltd.

6. When do we collect your personal information?

We collect your personal data whenever we are in contact with you. There are many kinds of situations in which we are in contact with you. For example, we collect your personal data under the following circumstances:

  1. When you visit our website
  2. When you communicate with us by telephone, fax, e-mail, voicemail, text messaging (SMS), picture messaging (MMS), video messaging, chat, Instant Messaging or social media
  3. When you order or services (also when the order is cancelled)

7. Which personal information do we collect?

The personal data collected are similarly varied. Firstly, we collect personal data which you make available to us. Secondly, we collect personal data which are automatically or manually recorded when you contact us, for example:

    Data about you:
    1. Name and first name
    2. Gender
    3. Home address
    4. Delivery address
    5. Invoice address
    6. Language preferences
    7. Telephone number(s)
    8. E-mail address(es)
    9. Research results
    Data relating to customer activities
    1. Contract dates (including contract date, type of contract, contract provisions; parties to the contract; term of contract; contract value; claims lodged under contract)
    2. Order information (including date of order; time of order; type, quantity and value of the services purchased; shopping basket; cancelled shopping basket; payment method used; paying agent; purchasing history)
    3. Customer service information (including product returns, complaints, guarantee claims, delivery information)
    4. Session dates with reference to visits to our websites, apps for mobile devices or offers on Internet platforms, multimedia portals and/or social networks (including duration and frequency of visits, language and regional defaults, information about browser and computer operating system, Internet Protocol addresses, search terms and search results; ratings submitted)
    5. Location data when using mobile devices
    6. Communications by telephone, fax, e-mail, voicemail, text messaging (SMS), picture messaging (MMS), video messaging, chat, Instant Messaging or social media

    8. Why do we process personal data?

    We process your personal data for a variety of purposes. These purposes can be summarised in different groups. In particular, we may process all or some of your personal data for one or more of the following purposes:

      8.1 Purposes of processing in connection with our products and services

      1. Supply and sale of our services
      2. Handling of orders and contracts, including sending of order and dispatch confirmations, delivery confirmations, delivery and invoicing
      3. Organisation and provision of customer service services
      4. Organisation and conduct of market research and surveys

      8.2 Purposes of processing in connection with customer communication

      1. Provision, administration and realisation of customer communication by post and via electronic communications media
      2. Business communication by post and by telephone, fax, e-mail, voicemail, text messaging (SMS), picture messaging (MMS), video messaging or Instant Messaging
      3. Assessing the use of our products by telephone, fax, e-mail, voicemail, text messaging (SMS), picture messaging (MMS) or Instant Messaging such as: type of use, frequency and duration of use, exact location of use.

      8.3 Purposes of processing in connection with the customer behavior analysis

      1. Individualised and personal or anonymous and group-based recording and evaluation of historical and current purchasing behaviour in the use of products on our websites, apps for mobile devices or on Internet platforms, multimedia portals and/or social networks
      2. Individualised and personal and/or anonymous and group-based identification, classification and analysis of current and potential customer needs and customer interests
      3. Individualised and personal and/or anonymous and group-based categorisation and analysis of customer behaviour and customer potential
      4. Statistical evaluation of customer behaviour based on anonymised customer data

      8.4 Purposes of processing in connection with direct marketing

      1. Simplification of procedures – such as orders - and use of findings from the analysis of customer behaviour for continual improvement of all product and service ranges
      2. Avoidance of unnecessary advertising through findings from the analysis of customer behaviour for individualised and personalised direct marketing
      3. Sending of individualised and personalised advertising by post or by telephone, fax, e-mail, voicemail, text messaging (SMS), picture messaging (MMS), video messaging, chat, Instant Messaging or social media
      4. Individualised and personalised matching of offers and advertising on our websites, apps for mobile devices or with our channels on Internet platforms, multimedia portals and/or social networks

      9. Whom do we pass your personal data on to?

      We may pass your personal data on to third parties, in order to make use of technical or organisational services which we need to meet the purposes specified or for our other business activities. Our service providers are contractually bound to process personal data exclusively on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions. We also oblige our service providers to comply with technical and organisational measures which guarantee the protection of personal data. If the service providers are located in countries where the applicable laws do not provide any protection of personal data that is comparable with that provided by UK law, we will ensure by contract that the service providers concerned maintain the UK level of data protection.

        We may also pass your personal data on if we regard this as necessary to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, for court proceedings, if required to do so by the competent courts and authorities, or under other legal obligations, in order to protect and defend our rights and/or our property.

        10. How do we use cookies?

        We also use what are known as cookies on our websites. These are small files which are stored on your computer or mobile device when you use our websites. We would also like to provide you with comprehensive information about our use of cookies.

        10.1 Why do we use cookies?
        The cookies that we use serve, firstly, to ensure that our websites function properly – such as shopping basket functionality. We also use cookies to match our Internet product to your wishes as a customer and to make web surfing with us as comfortable as possible for you. We also use cookies to optimise our advertising. With cookies we can present you with advertising and/or particular products and services that might be of special interest to you based on your use of our website. Our aim is to make our web product as attractive as possible for you and to present you with advertising that corresponds to your areas of interest.

        10.2 Which cookies do we use?
        Most of the cookies we use are automatically deleted from your computer or mobile device after your browser session has ended (so-called session cookies). For example, we use session cookies to store your regional and language defaults and your shopping basket over different sites in a web session.
        In addition, we use temporary and permanent cookies. These remain stored on your computer or mobile device after the end of the browser session. Then, when you revisit one of our websites your preferred entries and settings are automatically identified. Depending on which type they are, these temporary and permanent cookies remain stored on your computer or mobile device for between one month and ten years, and are automatically deactivated after the end of the programmed period. They are used to make our websites more user friendly, more effective and more secure. Thanks to these cookies you will have, for example, information displayed on the site that is tailored especially to your interests.
        It is also possible that the cookies stored on your computer or mobile device may come from partner companies. These cookies enable our partner companies to target you with advertising that might actually be of interest to you. Cookies of partner companies remain stored on your computer or mobile device for between one month and ten years, and are automatically deactivated after the end of the programmed period.

        10.3 Which data are stored in cookies?
        No personal data are stored in the cookies we use. The cookies used by us cannot be assigned to a specific person. When a cookie is activated the person will be allocated an identification number.

        10.4 How can you can prevent the storage of cookies?
        Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. They can, however, instruct your browser not to accept any cookies, or to ask you each time before a cookie from a website you have visited is accepted. You can also delete cookies from your computer or mobile device by using the appropriate function on your browser. If you decide not to accept our cookies or the cookies of our partner companies, you will not be able to see certain information on our websites or use a number of functions which should improve your visit.

        11. How do we use log files?

        Every time you access our websites, certain usage data are transmitted to us by your Internet browser for technical reasons, and stored in protocol files, known as log files. The usage data in question are the following: the date and time our website is called up; the name of the website called up; the IP address of your computer or mobile device; the address of the website from which you accessed our website; the volume of data transferred and the name and version of your browser.
        Analysis of the log files helps us to further improve our Internet products and make them more user friendly, to find and remove errors more quickly, and to control server capacities. Using log files, we can, for instance, determine the time when the use of our Internet products is particularly popular and make appropriate data volumes available to guarantee you optimum usage.

        12. How do we use web analysis tools?

        In order to constantly improve and optimise our Internet offering, we use what are known as tracking technologies. Web analysis tools provide us with statistics and graphics which provide us with information about the use of our websites. This involves data about the use of a website being transferred to the server used. Depending on the provider of a web analysis tool, these servers may be located abroad. For the most frequently used web analysis tool, Google Analytics, these data are transferred including shortened IP addresses, which prevents the identification of individual devices. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the framework of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. Transfer of these data by Google to third parties can only take place on the basis of legal regulations or as part of the order data processing.
        You may prevent the recording of the data generated by cookies and relating to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) at Google, as well as the processing of these data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link ( You will find more detailed information about Google Analytics and data protection at or

        13. How do we use social plugins?

        Our websites use social plugins, e.g. from Facebook, Twitter or Google+. The plugins are labelled with the logo of the provider, and may be, for example ‘Like’ buttons or a Google+ button or Twitter button.
        When you call up our websites which contain such a plugin, your browser sets up a direct connection with the provider’s computers. The content of the plugin is transmitted by the provider site directly to your browser, which integrates it into the website. By integrating plugins the provider receives the information that you have called up our website. If you are simultaneously logged in to the provider, the provider can assign the visit to your profile. If you interact with the plugins – for example by activating the “Like” button or making a comment – the relevant information is transmitted by your browser directly to the provider and stored there.
        If you do not want the provider to collect data about you via our website, you must log out of the provider before you visit our website. Even if you are logged out, providers collect anonymised data via social plugins set up a cookie for you. If you log into the provider at a later time, these data may be assigned to your profile.
        If a login is provided via a social login service ? e.g. Facebook Connect – data are exchanged between the provider and our website. In the case of Facebook Connect that may be, for example, data from your public Facebook profile. By using such login services you agree to the transfer of data.
        Please refer to the data protection notices of the provider for the purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing of your data by the provider, as well as your respective rights and setup options to protect your privacy.
        Facebook Ireland Ltd. or Facebook Inc.:
        Google Inc.:
        Twitter Inc.:

        If you do not want the provider to collect data about you via these cookies, you can select the “block cookies from third-party providers function in your browser settings. Then if there is embedded content from other providers, the browser does not send any cookies to the server. It is possible that with this setting other functions on our website will no longer function.